Following a successful Season 3 of the TEKKEN 254 Circuit, a new competition known as the Kenya Kombat Circuit has been created to engage the Mortal Kombat community. Running concurrently, the TEKKEN 254 Circuit and Kenya Kombat Circuit seasons will both run for 8 months, consisting of 6 qualifiers and a final tournament.
A launch event for the Savanna FGC brand, under which the two competitions will operate, will be held on Saturday, 16 November 2019 at BulBul by Cheza, located at The Waterfront Mall in Karen, Nairobi.
Through the brand, TEKKEN 254 and Ace Pro Gaming hope to continue the positive development seen within the Tekken community and yield the same results within the Mortal Kombat community (as well as others) going forward.
Two local players went on to participate in the Tekken World Tour this year, with Darktempest finishing third at Cape Town Showdown (Challenger event) in September and Mickey earning praise during his run to joint-65th place at Rox n Roll Dubai (Master event) earlier this month.
Registration for both the TEKKEN 254 Circuit and the Kenya Kombat Circuit is open here, while more information can also be found on our social media pages.